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The Non-Dualistic Awareness - the Inner Alchemist Key towards the Divine Transformations of Consciousness

Writer's picture: Satya HealingSatya Healing

Let me tell you one secret. It is not spoken of much in any religious or philosophical books. However, it is something very crucial to understand.


It concerns how our Awareness is built in this physical reality.

Before, we come to the Part of Non-Dualist Higher Awareness, lets first look into the most common and average awareness that a Human Being experiences on a daily basis.


There are many reasons why a Human suffers physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. However, the main reason is that our Awareness is built on a Dualistic Model.

We perceive the world around us either in a Positive or Negative way, depending on how our personality was built.

You see, one person can perceive things in a positive or a neutral way, whereas the other might perceive it in a negative way and therefore suffer through such perspective.


Our personality and perception of the world are based on what experiences we went through, our cultural beliefs and our genetics. This makes us unique and different from one another.


The Ego was formed during Childhood, to help us survive. However, due to our materialistic culture, which programs people’s need to constantly achieve and acquire more material things or to attain high status at work or in the society, the Ego evolved itself into a more aggressive mechanism.


The desire to constantly acquire, achieve and perform is a mere subconscious drive to survive Death.


The Ego at no cost wants to Die.


The more we live in our Ego, the more we view the World in either Positive or Negative way. This creates a constant swing between artificial happiness and suffering. To be happy through material achievements is just another side of the coin from suffering and unhappiness. Just as chasing the external experiences is another form of chasing positive feelings that are not sustainable. Lots of energy is therefore lost to constantly fill the gap of desires.


Therefore, the more we exist in our Ego, the more we have materialistic and external Desires, which in turn lead to suffering. We are left with a hole that constantly needs to be filled with something. Once it is filled, a new Desire will occur and everything starts from the beginning.


That is why many people are experiencing anxiety, burn out or depression.


This is a very common type of Awareness in which an average individual experiences the daily world. The awareness to judge based on one’s programmed opinion, to constantly desire achievements either materialistic things or titles (to become “someone”).  Also, to view the world, situations, people either in a positive or negative way and then to experience a certain type of emotion or reaction as an end result. This awareness represents also the identification of oneself through other people, in order for the Ego to confirm its existence. Ego’s goal is to avoid suffering or negative emotions at all costs and to constantly strive for positive feelings through achievements or acquisition in the external, physical world.


That is why greed is very common thing in our society.


As you can see, such awareness is at a very primitive level. We are governed by these natural instincts subconsciously, in order to survive.  Therefore, the more we acquire, and the more we are popular, the higher chances of survival our mind feels. 


This is because we think we are our Ego or our Personality. The fear of Death leads us to try and survive as much as possible by avoiding negative emotions and seek positive ones. The personality identifies itself also with our Physical Body.


All in All, there is a big fear felt that Personality and the Body seize to exist. That is why it is so important to defend our opinions and seek pleasures to confirm our existence.


Nevertheless, you should not be worried. The real you is not your Body, nor Personality, nor Ego. If you have noticed, your personality is prone to constant changes. Ten or Twenty years ago you were different, with a bit different view, level of intelligence, opinions, different types of desires. It will continue to change throughout life. Why then fight for its survival if it always changes anyway?


Nevertheless, the Consciousness inside of you, separate from personality was always the same. It was the same when you were 2 years old, observing the world, and it is the same now. It will not change in this body, it will always remain as a neutral observer.


Parts of us are from this Natural, Physical world and parts of us are Alien and are not of this Universe.


This hidden Consciousness is blocked by our other, primitive, Dualistic Awareness.


This hidden Consciousness is Divine and Non-dualistic. It is impossible to comprehend it through the intellect, nor it is possible to imagine how it is through our current Mind.


In order to reach this Consciousness, the Ego has to go. Our desires, emotions, self-identity, analytical thinking need to take the back seat. They need to drop their power.


This very special Divine consciousness is raised through forgiveness, compassion and unconditional Love.


This Unconditional Love cannot come from the Ego.


The whole mind needs to go into stillness and the total Surrender needs to take place.


If you live your daily life in a non-reactive way and as an observer for longer period of time, you will notice a gradual shift in your awareness.


You will also notice that the non-reaction becomes effortless. Anything that starts happening externally will not trigger your emotions anymore.


The past traumas will also start losing power over your mental state of being. The anxiety about future will also disappear and turn rather into an excitement of what might happen next.

Since you stop being affected by external happenings, your nervous system will be able to rest and regenerate.

You will be able to slowly feel constant peace internally and your desires to constantly achieve or get something in the external world will cease as you do not need to rely on external happenings anymore to feel comfortable or happy.


After some time, if you manage to hold this non-reactive state, you will be able to experience Lucid Dreaming and Connect with the Higher Frequency.


This is a very special experience, and it is linked with Kundalini Awakening. It happens when you start dropping your identity and artificially created personality. You will start reaching your Soul which is something completely unimaginable by the Mind.


Your intuition will be heightened and you will start getting mystical experiences in which you will be connected to the higher realms.


In turn the personality will transform. You will notice internal changes inside of you. Many habits, wishes and life goals will start changing. The past and future will not matter anymore as much as before. The pain and suffering will be observed by your Neutral Awareness and you will be able to decide what to feel without being affected through automated emotional reactions.


You will start feeling more love towards yourself and others. The heart will open and you will be able to feel more compassion and empathy towards all living beings. The connection towards your inner Divine Self will strengthen and you will understand that the external world happening around you is an illusion. Your personality and Identity is also an illusion.


If the primitive awareness and Ego are weakened, then the Higher Awareness can take over. Sixth Sense will be activated, but it is important not to get attached to this very special State and the new abilities either, as this is another trap that will slow down the whole Transformation.


“Who is it that loves and who that suffers? He alone stages a play with Himself; who exists save Him? The individual suffers because he perceives duality. It is duality which causes all sorrow and grief. Find the One everywhere and in everything and there will be an end to pain and suffering.” Anandamayi ma




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