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The Dark Night of the Soul: A Spiritual Path to Healing Depression & Negative Patterns (Part 1)

Writer's picture: Satya HealingSatya Healing

Updated: Dec 17, 2023

From a spiritual perspective, depression can occur when we feel disconnected from our Divine Self (Knowledge), our purpose in life, or the source of higher power. In many cases, the depression is caused by past trauma, unresolved grief, or feelings of guilt and shame.

Depression can manifest in many different ways, but it often involves feelings of hopelessness, sadness, emptiness, and lack of motivation. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, changes in appetite and sleep, and difficulty concentrating.

While depression can be a very challenging experience, it is also an opportunity for spiritual growth. When we are going through depression, we are forced to confront our darkness and pain. This can be a difficult process, but it can also lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Thus, if the suffering is very deep and we do not block it with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food and other addictions, but surrender to it as much as possible, after a short moment, we could experience a great humbleness and relief.

People start to suffer when we distance ourselves from God/Higher Self too much, but then this suffering can also bring us back to God or Universal Divinity. This is not just a simple statement. There are in fact, mystical experiences that can be activated through these hardships, as our Ego becomes less through humility and surrender, our Heart becomes open to receive Higher Frequency, which is not only extremely healing, but also serves as a Great Teacher!

Here I would like to provide only summary of various spiritual methods that can help heal depression. There are many books written on various healing techniques as this is a very broad and extensive topic. Furthermore, each human is different and therefore the method applied to each individual would vary in order to attain positive results.

Causes and Cures for Depression from Spiritual perspective.

The causes of depression vary from one human to another. The main reasons why depression occurs is due to living too much in past (anxiety is more connected with future), and disconnection from the Self.

The past traumatic events are stuck in human’s energy field and subconsciousness. As a result, negative thoughts are produced to cause suffering. Important to note, that we are NOT these thoughts. This energy, which produces negative thoughts is connected partially to psychological, mental and emotional aspects of Self. Usually, psychotherapy is a method to discover negative patterns caused by human’s past and reprogram oneself to create new and healthy patterns that are linked to one’s thoughts and feelings.

As energy, thoughts and emotions are interconnected, one can work with either of the three, to balance each of them out. When working with thoughts on a mental and emotional level, it can be beneficial, but can also be a lengthy process. If a person lacks energy, which is usually the case when going through depression, doing Mental Work can be a very difficult and tiring process. In many cases, due to lack of energy and therefore weakened Will, it is hard for a human to even start their healing journey.

Therefore, it is essential to start taking care of one’s energy first in order to have the strength and build the Will and Intention to Heal also through mental work. Once one learns to generate one’s energy more, the mental work and healing becomes easier.

Activities such as meditation, Reiki, spending time in Nature, engaging in creative work can help generate energy from within and strengthen our energetic field. Also, certain types of breathing and incenses, support the Energy Work. Once the Energy Taurus is strengthened around you, it will be difficult for negative thoughts to penetrate your field. You will create space around you to heal properly. The Energy generated will give you strength to change your negative patterns and will create an awareness on what and how to be heal.

Every individual has this certain knowledge within, that can give answers and solutions on how to solve every problem and how to Heal from within. This Knowledge is not intellectual, but intuitive and is part of the Collective Consciousness. Very often, this knowledge is blocked if our mind is too active through our constant thinking. It is therefore very important to calm and quiet the mind and recharge yourself with energy from within!

One of the methods to recharge and calm the mind is to spend time in Nature. This method however also requires time, but the practical thing about it is that you do not need to do or try much. Spending enough time on fresh air, with trees in the forest or being near the water will automatically recharge you and calm your mind.

Therefore, being in nature can help us to ground ourselves and to calm our mind and body.

It will provide a sense of peace and tranquility. This can be very helpful for people with depression, who often experience feelings of anxiety and restlessness.

When we are in nature, we feel connected to something larger than ourselves. This can be a source of great comfort and strength, especially when we are struggling with depression or other life challenges. This feeling provides a calming affect that we are protected by the greater energies from within and beyond. Forests are the place of peace and connection to the mystical realms.

Being in Nature and spending time in deep forests can help put a human into effortless meditation, through the stillness, the thoughts become calmer.

Nature invokes a sense of awe and wonder. When we are surrounded by the beauty of nature, we are reminded of the vastness and mystery of the universe. This can help us to put our own problems in perspective and to see our lives in a new light. This sense of mystery is within us all. Seeking such mystery gives us sense of purpose and a feeling that we might be here to experience this human consciousness in a very special way and to learn very deep lessons even if it is through suffering.

Furthermore, a sense of purpose and meaning is awakened. Being in nature can help us reconnect with our true selves and to rediscover our purpose in life. This can be a powerful source of hope and motivation for people with depression. Such discovery might not always appear in the first trip to Forest in the beginning, it might however create a sense of coming back and continuing fostering the relationship with nature. I can promise that as one spends more time in nature on the regular basis, with clear intention to Understand, Awaken and Heal, a deep sense of Belonging will develop even if you are alone. This sense will lead to inner healing and interconnectedness.

As mentioned earlier, depression is not only caused by traumatic events in past, but it is also created when one is disconnected from Self. Due to such disconnection a sense of loneliness and separation with the rest occurs. Through such sense, suffering is developed from within. Even when a human is trying to reconnect, a negative sense might occur that the world is a horrible place to be One with or everything is against you. However, when you spend time in the Forest, such thinking is neutralized as trees are often seen as symbols of strength, resilience, and wisdom. They can remind us of our interconnectedness with all living things in a positive and loving way as they offer a supportive and healing energy that has always been within us as well.

Many times, when a human is depressed, they lack their inner Energy. Some Eastern Philosophies have called it Ki or Chi. When this Energy is low, then negative thoughts and feelings occur in an automatic way and the body is prone to Disease. The human also lacks awareness of this re-occurring thoughts as they create suffering continuously. Being Low on this Energy leads not only to depression, but also to further physical diseases. I will dedicate a separate article on this topic as well.

When spending time in Nature, such as Forest, Waters or Mountains, a human automatically recharges through the Energies provided by Nature. As you ground, you become open to receiving such energy. It does not take much effort to open up to this energy, one only needs to have intention and an open mind to receive this life force offered by Mother Nature.

As more energy is received, the depression together with negative thinking is automatically reduced. This Energy is very healing and will regenerate your whole system.

The best place for this regeneration is Nature or certain Energy sites.

Here are further tips for spending time in nature and forests to reap the spiritual benefits:

  1. Find a quiet place where you can be alone with your thoughts, either by the lake, sea, forest or a hill.

  2. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. You can also continue walking in silence. As Walking can also calm the mind and put you into the meditative state.

  3. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Feel the smell of the plants, trees and earth.

  4. Focus on your surroundings and listen to the sounds of birds or a light wind.

  5. Pay attention to the way you feel in your body. Feel the sun or fresh, cool air or a slight wind touching your body. This exercise will still your mind and bring you into the present moment.

  6. Allow yourself to experience any emotions that come up. If it is negative emotion, then feel it, let it pass and ask yourself for forgiveness and say “I love you”. If the emotion is positive, then feel the gratitude from within.

  7. Be present in the moment and enjoy the beauty of nature as the thoughts become more calm.

  8. Feel the connection to the trees, plants or water as they send you the healing energy for your body, mind and soul.

Nature can help us connect with our Higher Self and open our field to healing energies because it is a place where it is easier to still our mind.

If you have a special place you can go to and where you feel it stills your Mind, I encourage you to do so. It does not have to be in Nature, it can also be somewhere where it is easier for you feel at peace.

Another reason for depression from spiritual perspective is the disconnection from the Self or Absence of Love. Please see my next article on the Importance of Love.


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