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The Dark Night of the Soul: A Spiritual Path to Healing Depression - Love & Meditation (Part 2)

Writer's picture: Satya HealingSatya Healing

Updated: Dec 17, 2023

The lack or absence of Love is the whole sense of disconnection from All. We are never disconnected, however sometimes when the identification with the Body, Mind and the Material are too strong, the person can drop into an illusion of being separate from the rest. The more separation is created, the less Love one can feel. True Love is not an emotion, but a state of Being. Love is a Bliss.

Such Illusion of separation also creates blockage to the Higher or Divine Self. Again, we are never separate, it is always there within us, however suffering gives us a feeling of separation.

Let me further elaborate what it means to feel Separate through such Illusion:

  • Being Separate is to stop feeling unconditional Love or the Source.

  • Being Separate is also to stop feeling that we are connected with everything and everyone and are One Divine Thing!

  • Being Separate is to identify oneself too much with the body and artificially created personality / Identity that was imposed to us by religious, cultural, parental, societal norms and embedded into our subconsciousness.

  • Being Separate is to Suffer because the feeling of Home is not there anymore, as the Loneliness is felt on a deep and painful level.

This separation should not be confused with setting one’s boundaries. When we operate in our physical world and deal with different individuals, who do not feel the sense of Unity and function through their Ego entirely, they can also cause damage or drain our energetic field. In this case, boundaries are very crucial to our wellbeing. However, having healthy boundaries is not being in separation.

The deeper we experience the connection to our True and Divine Self, the more Love we feel in our Heart towards ourselves and everything and everyone around us. The stronger this Love is felt, more Healing we receive. With this unconditional love we develop Self-Acceptance and Acceptance of All, as well as experience true forgiveness and inner gratitude.

I will write more about what this Divine Self or the Source is and how to re-establish the connection in another article in more detail, as this is a very important topic that requires more attention.

People usually have very individual concepts of what this Self or the Source is. We cannot ever have the same opinion about what the True Self is as everyone’s awareness is very individual, which is experienced through separate and unique personality, connected to personal opinions and the knowledge gathered over time through intellectual means.

I would like to therefore invite you to drop all your opinions and what you know so far what the Divine Source might be, as THIS very special thing cannot be understood through the intellect or through personal concept. The Objective Ultimate Truth stays objective. Once we try to interpret it in an intellectual way, it then becomes Subjective and loses its Objectivity and Truthfulness as it gets translated though our artificially constructed mind. I do not want to say that it stops being a form of Truth, it will be however translated through our own individual and personal lens and will never be identical to another person’s perspective. We might end up building our own personal concept about what the Truth can be.

The Ego usually reacts to such concepts, as it tries to find explanation to everything. Nevertheless, the Truth can never be understood through Ego, and once the Ego tries to grasp it, the Truth is not Ultimate anymore!

In many cases, what leads us back to this Divine Realization is Suffering or Depression. If we have disconnected too much from the Source, a new Force can be born that creates an Intention to reconnect and go back home again. When suffering is too deep, the Ego becomes less, through apprehension that it is only our Ego/Identity that is suffering and not our Divine Self, which is non-dualistic, neutral and very loving. Deep suffering creates humility and surrender within us, which is a source of purification, as the Ego subsides.

When I talk of Home, I do not mean that we all get to go Home after we cross to another side. In Truth, we all are already home. However, it is very difficult to realize it due to the separate and dualistic awareness that we are currently experiencing in this World. I promise to you, it will not always be like this!

It is not normal nowadays to see a stranger on the street and feel an extremely, deep and unconditional Love towards them. Imagine then, how will our World be, if we all felt that love towards each other without even knowing one another on a personal level?

I know it sounds strange, but this would be our TRUE NATURE, of realizing that we are all connected and there is an immense beauty in each one of us. We would then experience one another in this beauty and feel unconditional love towards ourselves, one another, and the whole existence. There will be no desire for competition, greed and wars because everyone would experience pure and constant Love towards one another. Thus, the suffering will subside.

How Healing would this be?! To love and accept ourselves and one another in an unconditional way! In true love, we would realize our ultimate perfection!

Whoever you are, reading this, please know that I Love you! And I want you to be Well, Happy and at Peace! Above all, I want you to Heal!

Another spiritual way to activate healing from within is Prayer and Meditation. Spending time in prayer or meditation can help us to connect with our source of higher power and to find peace and comfort. The Prayer can also be to the Self, Universe or Higher Power within. The prayer does not need to be expressed in a conventional religious form, unless one follows an exoteric faith. The prayer provides Hope for Healing. Out of Hope, an inner Intention is created to Self-Heal on a subconscious level.

Many times, during the depression, the person might struggle to start with self-work or meditation. In this case, prayer or listening to healing mantras are useful, as they do not take much energy nor effort. To be in prayer is to create an inner Intention, which then goes into the subconscious mind. Once the intention is established, the Body and Mind will sync with one another, and activate inner Healing from within. The main goal is to have focus on the one’s healing and well-being. Even if there is not much hope at the beginning, it is still possible to ask the Higher Source from Within for Help! If there is a persistent intention with focus to heal, The Help will always come in all sorts of forms. Sometimes, the help that appears, is also not seen at the beginning nor accepted, but it still serves as a sign that the Universe is listening, which can create further hope that there is something greater than we might know of.

Meditation is useful to clear the mind of negative thoughts. As mentioned, usually when a human is under depression, it makes it difficult to meditate or get rid of the spiraling and re-occurring negative thoughts. Especially, when depressed, meditation can be also something quite uncomfortable, as even more thoughts might occur.

Therefore, it is important to be patient with yourself. It is normal for your mind to wander during meditation. Just gently bring it back to your breath each time it wanders.

Also, it is essential to let go of judgement. It's okay if you can't meditate for very long at first. However, startingwith a few minutes each day and gradually increasing the amount of time you meditate as you become more comfortable, will make a big difference to your daily thoughts and how they affect your feelings.

Most important, be kind to yourself. Remember that meditation is a practice, not a perfect state of mind. If you find yourself getting frustrated or discouraged, just take a few deep breaths and start over.

You can also let go of a specific concept that your mind has created on how meditation should be! I suggest to follow the Inner Feeling. It is not about trying and struggling to constantly turn your thoughts off. At the beginning, it is almost impossible and that is why many people give up. Try to observe your thoughts from a neutral or loving perspective. Imagine yourself as a beautiful bird flying high in the sky and observing any feeling or occurring thought. Accept yourself, you are doing very well!

With time you can also focus on the energy around your body during meditation. This is a very comforting feeling once you start feeling energy around certain body parts and especially your hands, feet and chest. If your body starts to move a little, this is also a positive sign. Meditation does need to be done in a strict, unmoving pose. You can choose any kind of position, which feels right to you!

With time you will find it is easier to become more aware of your thoughts and to manage them from negative to positive or neutralize them completely. With the regular meditation it will become easier not to react negatively in an automatic way towards the external events.

Meditation helps to becomes more aware of oneself and be less on the auto-pilot mode.

Depression usually creates thoughts and feelings of hopelessness and reminds us of what happened to us in past. Depression relates to our past events that anchored negative energy within our Subconsciousness, which in turn gives us such suffering. Meditation helps to clean this negative energy, by removing these created re-occurring thoughts.

When meditating on a regular basis, one will notice that external things that are perceived everyday through our awareness do not create negative reaction anymore and the thinking becomes more neutral and accepting.

As the Body and Mind are calmed through daily meditation, this affect carries on into our daily life as well. We teach our Mind and Body to stay calm and at peace.

Here are some additional tips for spiritual healing from depression:

  • Journaling: Writing about our thoughts and feelings can help us to process our emotions and to gain insights into the root causes of our depression.

  • Creative expression: Engaging in creative activities such as art, music, or writing can be a therapeutic way to express our emotions and to find healing.

  • Spiritual counseling: Talking to a spiritual counselor can help us to understand the spiritual dimension of our depression and to find spiritual resources for healing. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to spiritual healing for depression. What works for one person may not work for another. It is important to experiment and to find the methods that work best for you.

Be patient and compassionate with yourself. Healing takes time. Don't expect to feel better overnight.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are many people who care about you and want to support you through your healing journey.

Trust that there is a higher purpose for your suffering. Even though it may not be clear to you now, your depression can teach you valuable lessons and help you to grow spiritually.

Remember, you are not alone. Depression is a common experience, and there is help available. With time and effort, you can heal and find your way back to joy and fulfillment.



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