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Non-Dualistic Awareness: Freedom from Desires and Emotional Instincts

Writer's picture: Satya HealingSatya Healing

In the Previous Article ”Non-Dualistic Awareness: the Inner Alchemist Key towards the Divine Transformations of Consciousness” we have covered briefly two types of Awarenesses.


One is Awareness, which is a projected through our basic, natural instincts that lead to Desires, as well as positive and negative emotional Reactions.


These reactions, whether positive or negative depend on how our Perspectives and Personality were formed over the years.


The Higher Awareness, which is blocked by these instincts, desires, and reactions, is yet to be awakened.


By attaining this awareness, one would get in touch with their True Self and escape the Dualistic Reality. Then you will not need to judge the world and happenings in either positive or negative way. You will view this world as a movie and your mind will be completely still. Thoughts and emotions will quiet down and will stop triggering your nervous system. Your life will become very peaceful and harmonious.


With time if you are able to keep your inner world in stillness, you will be able to see and perceive energies around you. The energies tend to be shaped in geometric and fractal forms. These shapes also form their own language. Once you tune in into the symbol you will be able to receive a certain very divine Understanding which is linked to your existence. This is a very sacred experience!


You will be also able to channel and read people’s energies around you. This new ability might give you the need to withdraw from big crowds of people and spend more time in solitude or with people who have more calm and pure Energy.


Pure Energy is when a person is experiencing unconditional love, empathy, compassion wishful thinking towards others, gratitude, forgiveness and surrender.


Unpure Energy happens when a person feels jealousy, greed, judgement, competition, fear, anger and is comparing themselves with other people. They consciously and subconsciously strive to become better than others because they view and judge themselves and the world as incomplete, which is again a dualistic Model.


Such awareness creates separation, and the World is not perceived as One anymore. The Ego causes suffering to the Body and Mind of the Person by producing negative thoughts that trigger uncomfortable emotions.


In such awareness, the person feels that they constantly need to strive, attain, and prove themselves to and through others. Nothing is ever enough. In such awareness, one also needs to identify themselves through interaction with others. Such identification is needed so that Ego feels it exists.


We feed our Ego not only through positive interactions with others, from which we get recognition, compliments or feeling of attainment. We also feed our Ego through negative interactions with people, in which we feel hurt, insulted, used and unfulfilled from others.


This experience is like one Coin with Two Sides.


People constantly need to seek other’s approval or receive positive comments about themselves. The well-being is dependent on the external feedback. This again is a dualistic awareness, which is either suffering or feeling happy through the external happenings.


Duality is a lack of unconditional love.


It is not an effortless process to clean your energy. First of all, the whole thought process needs to be changed. The thoughts create emotions and vice-versa.


Also the physical condition creates certain pattern of thoughts and emotions. If your body is too tired or not well, there are high chances that negative thoughts occur automatically.


The Key is to create an Awareness over your thoughts and when they happen, instead of existing inside of them, you separate yourself from them and observe them from Above. It is important to lift your awareness above your thoughts and emotions and learn how to change them with your Higher Will.


Let’s say you find yourself in a negative situation, be it a relationship, family or a job. Your body starts to feel a lot of tension and your cortisol levels rise. In turn, you might experience anxiety, anger, or frustration. Your thoughts also start telling you all about this negative situation and how you would like to get out of it or have it changed, but you lack energy to do so.


The whole energy is wasted on the negative emotions that are produced through the perception of external situations and that is why it is so difficult to heal and make changes externally.


This suffering can also become addicting, since your lower consciousness becomes programmed to continuously re-experience the same pattern of events and in turn feeling the same emotions over and over again.


Many people find themselves living this negative script on a daily basis, without an awareness nor energy to change it.


Even when they leave the situation without any internal changes of Perception, a similar situation might re-appear later in life, in another form that produced similar thoughts and emotions.


This is called a Life Pattern.


The whole energy is wasted on a daily basis because we let it, because we have no awareness.


Ancient scriptures say that during the Kali Yuga Era, which is currently upon our planet, the consciousness of Humans goes very low that it is almost impossible to meditate or to effortlessly get into meditative state.


We are constantly distracted with social media, consumerism, negative patterns, restlessness, desires and goals that we have created for ourselves to achieve. The whole awareness is shifted outwardly. There is no rest for the mind. The mind is preoccupied constantly with external events, in order to numb the constant suffering and receive short term gratifications.


Also, these distractions are there, in order to feel certain way about ourselves, which is driven by the Ego.


The suffering is there because we have lost connection to the Higher Frequency or God. The suffering is there because unconditional Love is not felt anymore.


The Heart is Closed.


Meditation is important to clean the thoughts and emotions and restore the whole internal physical system.


However, with so many distractions, it is almost impossible for many people to find the will and invest their time to meditate. Even when meditating, it takes a lot of energy and effort to go into stillness and clear away all the thoughts. The Energy field is weakened and therefore, many people find it difficult to go into a meditative trance state to restore and recover their body and mind.


The whole nervous system is very active and is constantly disturbed. Therefore, it is not possible to fully relax and attain a meditative state. The stillness of the Mind in our society today is very difficult to attain.


The hope however shall not be lost!


In this case, if the pain gets too deep and it is not numbed with drugs, alcohol or other substances, the Higher Consciousness will start guiding the person back to their Divine Self or to God experienced from within.  A person in deep pain and suffering will start realizing that something is not right within their internal and external environment. This can happen if the person gives up their external distractions. Or at least reduces them.


If Meditation and Self-care are not possible during these challenging moments, the Intention to Heal and know the Hidden Truth is all that is needed.


Our Desires need to be changed. The desires we have for the external environment, need to turn inward. The Desire to experience the Ultimate Truth, Healing and Unconditional Love as well as the feeling of Home and Fulfillment need to be internally created.


This is done through a simple Intention. Some people also choose prayer. But the prayer and Intention need to always be directed inwards. As the Divine Frequency is always within us, hidden. Once you start communicating with yourself from within, you will start to notice light changes within your Awareness.


Further step would be to stop reacting towards the external happenings. This is however done not by suppressing the emotions. If you suppress the emotions, they will be stored for later to appear as a form of an explosion or they might turn into a Shadow that will influence your behavior through unaware negative reactions from the Subconscious. The Shadows play also part of our Life’s decision-making process.


Therefore, it is essential to forgive yourself, each time you emotionally and automatically react towards an external happening. It is important to accept yourself and be kind to yourself. It is important not to punish oneself for every reaction or feel sorry for oneself.


Whenever you react, be conscious and aware about your reaction and feeling every time. If you raise your awareness, you will start noticing that it will become easier with time to control your reactions. You will be able to choose how to react, or not to react at all.


If you react, you try to accept the reaction and forgive. This way you will start opening your heart. The reactions that produce suffering, can also be turned into a spiritual method. The energy that is produced through suffering can also be directed inwards, to open your heart.


With time your Awareness will start to understand that it is not necessary to react for survival purposes in many circumstances. Your stress levels will start to drop and there will not be any fight or flight responses, nor negative feelings about one’s own self image.


You will notice that with time you will reach certain level of Neutrality that you will also stop reacting positively towards the external happenings. This might be a bit unsettling feeling, as you might feel that you became numb.


Do not confuse this experience with apathy or depression. Once you start living in a non-reactive state, you will develop a better Overview over your life and what you would like to change.


Once you stop reacting over longer period of time, you will acquire and gather more and more energy inside yourself. You will be able to use this energy to change your external environment and leave any unhealthy situations or habits.


The non-reaction and inner stillness is only one part of the process. The other part is connected to mystical experience. This is done through intention or prayer and then through meditation once the mind has created space inside.


We will discover the second part of Awakening in our next release. There we will cover the part on Intention, Desires and what leads to the Divine Awakening.



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