"If you could just trade fear and frustration and resentment and suffering for an elevated emotion, and truly open your heart and practice doing that, it will heal." ~Dr. Joe Dispenza
Healing comes from within. When a person suffers from long term, uninterrupted stress, the immune systems stops working properly to fix, repair and regenerate the whole system. We become prone to various types of diseases. Therefore, the actual cause of suffering needs to be addressed. Some things are also hidden very deeply inside of us and sometimes we are not even aware what causes constant negative thought patterns and reactions.
Therefore, it is important to address the root cause, which can either reside in our subconscious memory or can also be part of a challenge that is experienced on a daily basis in the outer world.
The healing methods, such as Integral and Psychosomatic coaching, Reiki, Sound Healing and Shamanic journey are implemented to support in activating Self-Healing energies to treat following challenges:






​​It can eventually happen that the individual gets attached to their suffering, because that is what they know and identity has been formed accordingly. When we start healing, it can be confusing, like we are losing something, which is part of us. Mind tries to pull us back to the original suffering state because it is afraid of the unknown. However, eventually we surrender to the change and bit by bit, our life starts to get brighter and brighter and we are able to release what is no longer serving our highest good.
This release may include job, friends, relationship or an unhealthy environment. Thus, we create our disease and our cure.
For healing we use different methods; from reiki, meditation, coaching, sound healing to shamanic ceremony.
Further healing methods include sound, voice, crystal bowls and tuning forks that are attuned for each chakra and energy centers. The shamanic drum with deep resonance and Didgeridoo are also used to elevate frequencies since these instruments can have deep releasing effect on the body, as their vibrations are powerfull.
Once the Energetic Field is strengthened and the connection to the Life Source is re-established, a life problem no matter how horrible it is, is not perceived as a problem anymore, but only as a mere experience towards the Awareness through 5 Senses. A person then finds peace within themselves and their surroundings. Once the peace and harmony are reestablished from within, the external Universe rearranges towards one's peaceful perception, and positive events start to manifest in one's life.