“The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don’t wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Many mental and physical diseases come as manifestation of an inner imbalance. Certain life situations that cause mental, emotional or spiritual stress over longer period of time can then create physical symptoms. As a result, sudden pain can be a message to us to change an Inner Environment or Outer Situation.
All these uncomfortable signals, which we experience are mere messages to either protect us or to lead us back towards the right path, which was forgotten over a longer period of time!

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welcomes You on a Healing and Transcendental Journey of Self discovery!
We are here to invite you on a journey of Healing, Self-Realization and Unconditional Love!
We welcome everyone who would like to make an inner change, open the Heart and discover their infinite true beauty!
Cert. Integral Coach
Dipl. Health & Psychosomatic Coach
Cert. Reiki Master (level 3)
Grief Coach
BA in Economics & Psychology